Francesc Ruiz + Richard Venlet – Permit yourself to drift from…21.04.2016, 17.00 h.
Inauguració de Permit yourself to drift from what you are reading at this very moment into another situation… Imagine a situation that, in all likelihood, you’ve never been in, exposició col·lectiva comissariada per Moritz Küng a l’Arts Santa Mònica (La Rambla 7 — 08002 Barcelona, Espanya) amb obres de Gonzalo Armero, Stanley Brouwn, James Lee Byars, Konraad Dedobbeleer, Sandra Gamarra, Dora Garcia, Gilbert & George, Aglaia Konrad, John McDowall, Francesc Ruiz, Eduardo Scala, Yann Sérandour, Richard Venlet i Cerith Wyn Evans.
Inauguración de Permit yourself to drift from what you are reading at this very moment into another situation… Imagine a situation that, in all likelihood, you’ve never been in, exposición colectiva comisariada por Moritz Küng en el Arts Santa Mònica (La Rambla 7 — 08002 Barcelona, España) con obras de Gonzalo Armero, Stanley Brouwn, James Lee Byars, Konraad Dedobbeleer, Sandra Gamarra, Dora Garcia, Gilbert & George, Aglaia Konrad, John McDowall, Francesc Ruiz, Eduardo Scala, Yann Sérandour, Richard Venlet y Cerith Wyn Evans.
Opening of Permit yourself to drift from what you are reading at this very moment into another situation… Imagine a situation that, in all likelihood, you’ve never been in, a group show curated by Moritz Küng at Arts Santa Mònica (La Rambla 7 — 08002 Barcelona, Spain) with works by Gonzalo Armero, Stanley Brouwn, James Lee Byars, Konraad Dedobbeleer, Sandra Gamarra, Dora Garcia, Gilbert & George, Aglaia Konrad, John McDowall, Francesc Ruiz, Eduardo Scala, Yann Sérandour, Richard Venlet and Cerith Wyn Evans. |